Leeds Snooker League Update

A disappointing result of 3- 5 last Wednesday saw us slip to just below mid-table. Unfortunately none of the team acquitted themselves too well, especially when we all had chances and the final result could have been much different.

Our next game is away against Pudsey Liberal Club B on Wednesday 30th January

You can follow the fortunes of the our team, Oakwood Parochial & Home Guard Snooker Club (the longest name in the league!), by clicking here. Select league G  and Submit to see  the latest table of results. Click on our club’s name to see individual fixtures, results and  score cards

Snooker League news

A good start to the new year, in the second half of the season, with a respectable draw against storing opponents Rowland Road C. Shiv scored an excellent break as all members of the team managed to draw their matches.

Our next game is home against Northern Snooker Centre on Wednesday 16th January

You can follow the fortunes of the our team, Oakwood Parochial & Home Guard Snooker Club (the longest name in the league!), by clicking here. Select league G  and Submit to see  the latest table of results. Click on our club’s name to see individual fixtures, results and  score cards

Christmas Quiz

A brilliant Christmas Quiz (in January!) was enjoyed by over 35 members and friends last Saturday.

Steve Mayne, our steward, did a fantastic job hosting the evening and was ably assisted by Jan who produced a magnificent buffet spread. Steve even managed to get hold of Santa who Ho Ho Hoed his way into the club giving presents out to everybody. Lots of games of sticky 13 along with a challenging quiz although the winners scored an amazing 24 out of 25!

A snowy welcome
Steve in full flow calling out the Sticky 13